Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Giveaway: Tea and Cake with the Saints

The time has come for a giveaway! 

We'll be giving away Tea and Cake with the Saints, by Alice Cantrell. The book is split into four parts: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Each section contains delicious recipes (my favorite being the Vanilla Tea Cake and Cream Cheese Mints), simple yet charming gift ideas, brief lists of saints' feasts, and engaging articles (a few being about Mary Gardens, tea, and letter writing). Tea and Cake with the Saints also provides spiritual bouquet cards and recipe cards to be printed off and further decorated. There are also easy party suggestions for all four seasons, like cookie exchanges and picnicking.

This really is a wonderful book--and definitely an essential one for Catholic teen girls! In my own copy, you'll find that there are many dog-eared pages and smudges on all the recipes. 

So, enter, enter, enter!

                                                       Rafflecopter giveaway 

Even if you don't win, make this book a part of your collection! You can find the book here at Amazon.


  1. This looks like a lovely book! Thank you for the recommendation and the opportunity to win. I will definitely be passing your blog along to my daughters. Thank you!

  2. This book looks like a "must own." I am thinking of purchasing a few copies as gifts even if I don't win!

  3. Looks like a good book! This is a great idea! :)
